Pet Activities For When You Go Away

Pets Get Bored Too!

If you are feeling guilty about leaving your pet alone or even worried about your nice recliner or new pair of shoes, below are a few activities to occupy your pet while you are not home. 


PETS CAN’T DESTROY WHAT THEY CAN’T REACH. Create a safe space for your dog, that at the same time protects your home. Start by training your pet to get into their crate for short periods of time. Reward your dog each time they go into their crate and eventually they will want to spend more time in it. 

EXERCISE WITH YOUR PET PRIOR TO LEAVING YOUR HOUSE. Pets tend to act out because they are bored and full of energy. Take your dog for a walk or a long run or play with your cat on the rug prior to leaving the house. This will help them get rid of pent up energy and create a stronger bond with your pet.

TOYS AND LOTS OF TOYS! If you are crazy about your new sofa pillows, then make sure you leave some chewing or puzzle toys accessible to your pet. Before heading out to that nice dinner, stop by the nearest pet store and pick up a toy that dispenses a treat such as peanut butter. Here are some pet toys we really liked:

Did you know that they even make virtual toys that allow you to play with your pet remotely? Check out some of our favorites  Click Here

SCHEDULE THEIR FEEDING TIME. Are you worried you won’t be home in time to feed your pet? Did you know they now make food dispensers that you can control from your smartphone or even work on a timer? Here is an example Click Here 

PET SITTER. If you are going to be gone for long periods of time, you may want to consider hiring a neighbor or a professional dog walker to break up your pet’s day and reduce their energy levels.

PET ENTERTAINMENT. Consider opening the window blinds to let your pet see outside. Window bird feeders and birdbaths outside will help attract birds and keep your pet entertained. Take a look at our Window Bird Feeder selection here.